If your pet is lost:
1) Be sure to check around your neighborhood and ask neighbors for any sightings as soon as possible! Many pets stay within a small radius from where they went missing.
2) Alert your local Animal Control Officer and City/Town shelter immediately. If you leave near a city/town line, notify neighboring shelters, too.
3) Provide a recent, full-body picture of your pet (preferably with eyes visible). With or without a photo, provide a description of your pet (color, coat, size, breed, eye color, collar color, and any other distinguishing features).
4) Create flyers with your pet’s name, picture and last known location (address) & date pet went missing. Include a phone number where you can be contacted for both day and evening hours. DO NOT offer a reward to avoid false reports.
5) Post flyers in the neighborhood where your pet was last spotted and at local veterinarian offices.
There are additional resources available online (please note some services include a fee):
1. Post your lost pet on the RI Lost Pets Facebook page HERE. You can also browse “found” pets here, too.
2. Classified Ads HERE. You can also post an ad in your local newspaper.
3. Sheilah Graham, Pet Detective. Read all about Sheilah’s success stories by clicking HERE!
Visit her Facebook page to read her journal about this specific case by clicking HERE!
4. Missing Pet Partnership HERE
5. Pet Amber Alert HERE